Ship Repair Warehouse
The Project
The project at Jebel Hafeet will comprise ‘White Water Rafting Facilities’ and a large Surf Pool, plus required support buildings. The Surf Pool will generate waves to a height of 10 feet with several different wave patterns being offered.
Whitewater Rafting Courses
There will be three courses:-
Green Run – An easier, beginners course, about 375m long
Blue Run – An intermediate course, also about 270m long
Black Run – An advanced course potentially meeting Olympic requirements some 488m long
The total length of runs is 1,133 meters
There will be two conveyors to take the craft to the top of the runs. One will service the black run and the other both the Green and Blue courses. All three courses will be suitable for rafts or kayaks. Two large lakes will provide the water to operate the runs; these are approximately 2m deep and are sized at 10,058 s/m for Lake 1 and 6,249 s/m for Lake 2, totaling 16,307 s/m.A connection pipe will enable the water to be transferred from one lake to the other in case this is ever required. Water in the lakes will be maintained at high quality by a water treatment plant located under the pond which is the starting point for the black run.
The surf pool will cover an area of approximately 6,000 s/m and be 2.5m deep at the deepest end. The beach area will be some 70m long. The wave machinery will be capable of operating two separate systems – a hydraulic system capable of generating surfing waves up to a height of 3.2 meters and a pneumatic system capable of generating several smaller waves and different patterns more suited to the family market.
The following buildings will be constructed:
Building 1 – Entry Building – This will provide ticketing and retail space
Building 2 – Restaurant – This is the only two-story building on site
Building 3 – Staff Office and Equipment Rental Building
Building 4 – Guest changing rooms, showers, and toilets.
Building 5 – White water rafting operations building, contains hire craft, briefing area, and staff room
Building 6 – Security and storage area – A back-of-house building
Building 7 – Workshop and drinks area for surf pool guests
Building 8 – Substations (3 in number)
Other – Plant and pump rooms